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Microsoft buys ReactOS

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Mark my words, this is epic! This, ladies and gents, is where Windows is going to toy around with the idea of Linux-like community. Not necessarily to develop a new OS, nor will it be to provide an incentive to Linuxoids to get back to Vista. Neither will it be some sort of advertisement power trip. No. Perhaps this is an attempt to develop a new kind of society where shareware ideology, closed source development and freedom of communities will merge together to produce uber-Windows. If not that, then definitely to provide Microsoft with better market-reaction or feedback on the new features of their flagship operating system.

If I am wrong, then this was a simple move by Microsoft to “silence” another “threat”. So, if you are looking to extortion the MS, then find the same legal loophole the ReactOS did and enjoy stress free life somewhere on the islands of Bahamas.


Written by popsredaktor

April 1, 2011 at 5:02 pm

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